Our Unique Process


The road from vision to value

When you travel the road to transformation, you need a clear direction and thorough preparation. Our unique process gets you to your destination and enables you to enjoy the journey.

A road well traveled

We follow our unique and proven process, shaped over a decade of successful consulting with global Life Science leaders, to help you reach even the most daring of destinations, the easiest, fastest, and most cost-effective way. 

We never just get you on the road and see where it takes us, experience tells us it's a sure way to get lost or run out of gas. Instead we take the time to prepare you and your teams for the journey so that everyone is clear on the direction, excited about the destination, and no one ever gets left behind. 

The Genioo Way is proven to take you from vision to value. It draws upon our collaboration tools and frameworks with guidance from our seasoned experts who have traveled the same roads many times before  five times the industry and consulting experience of traditional consulting firms. Think of it as a community-based GPS navigation, where you draw on everyone's (your team and ours) strengths, expertise, and experience to map the absolute best way. 

Together as One Team, we plan the route, navigate the roadblocks and bottlenecks, and mark the milestones. 

The five steps we take together

The Genioo Way is straightforward, but it's our belief that it's not what you do but how you do it and with whom.

We don't come in and do the work for you, we only partner with those who will commit to work alongside us. Our proprietary, people-centric, unique process focuses on co-creation to deepen understanding, belief, and ownership – UBO.

Our unique process

We put your team in the driving seat, while we partner to build the capacity, capabilities, clarity, and confidence that build UBO – Understanding, belief, and ownership – and enable you to accelerate execution, embed change, and deliver the full value.


Our unique process

We put your team in the driving seat, while we partner to build the capacity, capabilities, clarity, and confidence that build UBO – Understanding, belief, and ownership – and enable you to accelerate execution, embed change, and deliver the full value.


How it works in reality

We connect the dots from start to finish. But we go way beyond process. For us its the human connection that counts. The connection to your vision, to your purpose and performance, and to each other, that takes on-paper strategy from vision to reality.

It sets us apart from traditional consulting

"Genioo has a different way of operating in projects, with extensive participation of its senior management and a clear focus on getting things done in a structured way. That is something I highly appreciate and which sets Genioo apart from other consultancies."
Helmut Fabry Former CEO, Klosterfrau Healthcare Group

And in the last 2 years, has helped



New products



Organizations & functions



Team members

We give you the right tools for the job

Whether it's your next transformation or a functional opportunity or problem, our tools heighten collaboration to drive better outcomes. We coach you fully on the Genioo Toolkit, so you can effectively use it now and in the future.

Our tools are proven to help you:


readiness for transformation


on priorities and validate outcomes


cross-functional collaboration


communication, transparency, and feebdack


progress and give early indications of risk

Built to work in your reality

We understand that every company is different. The people, processes, platforms you have in place all fit together to work best for you. And while we follow our unique process with rigor, it's completely tailored to your needs. We put your team in the driving seat, then custom build our support around you, drawing on your strengths and then building on it with our highly seasoned team.


Who it works best for

Ready to be bold?

Your ambition empowers you to do great things. But when you have a responsibility to your stakeholders, teams, healthcare professionals (HCPs), patients, and society, it can feel like a huge weight to bear. When you partner with us, we unburden you from this load. Your vision and your responsibility becomes ours too. Our comprehensive readiness assessment checks that everything is in place to move to execution and gives you and your teams all the confidence you need to make a bold move.

Speak to our team

Discover the power of human connection in transformation

Our One Team approach